Timeline Editor

Timeline Editor Basics and Commands

The Timeline Editor is a powerful tool for managing conversational histories and processing user commands. It allows you to interact with language models, save and load conversation timelines, and manipulate the conversation flow. This guide will walk you through the basic concepts and commands available in the Timeline Editor. For installation of the Timeline Editor, see the page Using the Timeline Editor from the Command Line

Key Concepts

  • Timeline: Represents the entire conversation history.

  • Message: Individual entries in the timeline, each having a role (user or model) and text content.

  • Current Position: The current point in the timeline where new messages are added.

Key States

  • Interactive (i): In this state we communicate with the underlying LLM. This is the mode the script defaults to, so you can directly start talking with the LLM.

  • Command (cmd): We switch to command mode by entering cmd in the command line, while we are talking with the LLM.

Available Commands

Here's a list of available commands and their shortcuts:




Enter interactive mode to chat with the model


No Shortcut

Enter in the command mode of the script.



Save the current timeline to a file



Load a timeline from a file



Export a message to Markdown



Display the current position in the timeline



Display a specific item from the timeline by index



Display runtime timeline



Save your dialog as an agent



Select a specific message by index



Select a specific dialog



Select a specific agent



Switch LLM model



Show the help message



Exit the application

Command Details

Interactive Mode

  • Command: interactive or i

  • Description: Enters a chat session with the model. You can send messages, files, or switch back to command mode.

  • Usage:

    • Type your message to chat with the model.

    • Use file <file_path> to send a file.

    • Enter cmd to switch back to command mode.

Save Timeline

  • Command: save-timeline or s

  • Description: Saves the current timeline to a file.

  • Prompts:

    • Filename to save the timeline

    • Name for the timeline session (optional)

    • Description for the timeline session (optional)

Load Timeline

  • Command: load-timeline or l

  • Description: Loads a timeline from a file.

  • Prompt: Filename to load the timeline from

Export to Markdown

  • Command: export-markdown or e

  • Description: Exports a selected message to a Markdown file.

  • Prompts:

    • Index of the message to export

    • Filename for the Markdown file

Display Timeline Information

  • Command: head or h

  • Description: Displays the current position in the timeline and total number of messages.

Display Specific Item

  • Command: display-item or d

  • Description: Displays a specific item from the timeline.

  • Prompt: Index of the item to display

Display Timeline

  • Command: display-timeline or dt

  • Description: Displays a visual representation of the timeline, showing frozen segments and the current position.

Save as Agent

  • Command: save-agent or sa

  • Description: Saves the current dialog as a user-defined agent.

  • Prompts:

    • Name for the agent

    • Description for the agent

Select Message

  • Command: select-message or sm

  • Description: Allows selection of a specific message from the timeline.

Select Dialog

  • Command: select-dialog or sd

  • Description: Loads a previously saved dialog.

Select Agent

  • Command: select-agent or sla

  • Description: Loads a previously saved agent.

Switch Model

  • Command: switch-model or swm

  • Description: Switches to a different language model.

  • Prompt: Selection from available models


  • Command: help or ?

  • Description: Displays the list of available commands and their descriptions.


  • Command: quit or q

  • Description: Exits the application.

Tips for Using the Timeline Editor

  1. Use the interactive mode for continuous conversations with the model.

  2. Save your timelines regularly to preserve important conversations.

  3. Experiment with different models using the switch-model command to find the best fit for your task.

  4. Use the display-timeline command to visualize your conversation structure.

  5. Export important messages to Markdown for easy sharing or documentation.

Remember, the Timeline Editor is a powerful tool for managing and manipulating conversational histories. Experiment with different commands to find the workflow that best suits your needs.

Last updated